Over the next several weeks, we will answer these 30 questions related to our topic. 

Feel free to comment any suggestions to add on to this list.

  1. what is gender/sexual identity education?

  2. what is non-binary?

  3. what is LGBT?

  4. what is heteronormativity?

  5. why is it important for japanese education systems to implement gender/sexual identity education?

  6. why is japan falling behind in regards to lgbt issues?

  7. what should be taught in this education?

  8. why is it 義務教育 (compulsory education) instead of other systems?

  9. what’s the current situation on the education?

  10. what is the history behind LGBT movements in japan?

  11. what is the history behind LGBT movements in the world?

  12. why are issues of transgenderism deemed controversial in japan?

  13. who is this NGO for?

  14. why did you create this ngo?

  15. why do you think japan is a heteronormal society?

  16. why does japan not want to change the constitution?

  17. why does japan not have legal recognition of the thrid gender?

  18. why does japan not legally accept same sex marriages?

  19.  how much of the population is LGBT?

  20. how much of LGBT population is harassed because of being LGBT?

  21. what is difference between sex and gender and why is it important to distinguish the two?

  22. what is your ideal end goal?

  23. what are direct solutions you have?

  24. what is the don’t say gay bill and why is it relevant to japan?

  25. what are some lgbt portrayals in movies in japan?

  26. what are some lgbt portrayals in shows in japan?

  27. what are some lgbt portrayals in books in japan?

  28. what are your personal opinions and experiences on lgbt issues?

  29. what is the partnership in japan?

  30. why are japanese politicians against lgbt legal changes?


  1. I have no idea what non-binary is, so I'm looking forward to the post talking about it.

  2. I've never thought about the history of LGBTQ in Japan nor the history of movements in Japan. I feel like history may be a key to finding out many of the reasons why Japan is so slow in LGBTQ stuff.

  3. I've always been interested in this topic and I've done some events on this topic in Japan. So I'm looking forward to knowing the answer to every question, especially questions 23 and 25.

  4. I feel like lgbt portrayals in films and dramas have increased in recent years.


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